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0DAY, Zero Day IE 6/7/8/9, 19.09.2012

Posted by admin on 20.09.2012

0DAY, Zero Day IE 6/7/8/9, 19.09.2012

Microsoft Security Advisory (2757760)

Vulnerability in Internet Explorer Could Allow Remote Code Execution


Published: Monday, September 17, 2012 | Updated: Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Version: 1.1

General Information

Executive Summary

Microsoft is investigating public reports of a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, and Internet Explorer 9. Internet Explorer 10 is not affected. Microsoft is aware of targeted attacks that attempt to exploit this vulnerability.

A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that Internet Explorer accesses an object that has been deleted or has not been properly allocated. The vulnerability may corrupt memory in a way that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current user within Internet Explorer. An attacker could host a specially crafted website that is designed to exploit this vulnerability through Internet Explorer and then convince a user to view the website.

On completion of this investigation, Microsoft will take the appropriate action to protect our customers, which may include providing a solution through our monthly security update release process, or an out-of-cycle security update, depending on customer needs.

We are actively working with partners in our Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) to provide information that they can use to provide broader protections to customers. In addition, we are actively working with partners to monitor the threat landscape and take action against malicious sites that attempt to exploit this vulnerability.

Microsoft continues to encourage customers to follow the guidance in the Microsoft Safety & Security Center of enabling a firewall, applying all software updates and installing anti-virus and anti-spyware software.


Block this range: on your Firewall as first step…

  • Deploy the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) and configure it for Internet Explorer
  • Set Internet and Local intranet security zone settings to “High” to block ActiveX Controls and Active Scripting in these zones
  • Configure Internet Explorer to prompt before running Active Scripting or to disable Active Scripting in the Internet and Local intranet security zone.
  • (Which makes 50% of the web usless!)

    (change to other browser, Yes you Linux Freaks, then give us a GPo and WSUS integration for enterprise, and if no just shutup 😉


    And as Mcafee Elite Partner 😉 use mcafee VSE and download the Beta Dats. All should be fine.

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