Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: ENS | Endpoint Security

Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor, Azure VM Repair paths

The procedures in this article describe methods you can use to attach an encrypted OS disk to a repair VM and then unlock that disk. After the disk is unlocked, you can repair it. As a final step, you can replae the OS disk on the original VM with this newly repaired version. Microsoft has […]

13.06.2024 False-Postive with ENS 10.7, AMCORE 5554 on Windows Defender AM_Delta_Patch Server 2019 German

  Trellix ENS 10.7 deletes Windows Defender Update which come from WSUS-Server on German Server 2019 We just did see a false positive on Windows Defender Updates we provide via WSUS with autoaprove on a Windows Server 2019 German with Trellix ENS 10.7 and AMCORE 5554. The file was deleted from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\ Microsoft affected file: […]

Mcafee/Trellix ENS Gootkit False ENS 10.7 after 15.05.2024, rule SIG 6232 with VBS from TEMP

  Mcafee/Trellix ENS 10.7 Exploit Prevention Content 13401 Update SIG 6232 from 15.05.2024 brought a false with some customers from us. This comes with good (change) or bad (false) timing after we have seen some Gootloader activity happening in EU/CH these days. This happens on ENS 10.7 APRIL 2024 and also on Nov 2023 Version […]

Certutil.exe –url –urlcache how to use and freeware GUI crl check to automate CRL verify

  How to use Microsoft certutil.exe –url or –urlcache to find CRL and OCSP on Windows manually, or utilize our freeware tool crlcheck.exe, which performs the same function fully automatically for all EXE files on your system. crlcheck.exe   What is a CRL Certificate Revocation List file?   Each certificate authority (CA) periodically issues […]

CRL check, Zertifikatsperrlisten Software, Certificate Revocation List Check Tool zum suchen aller geblockten CRL in Firmenumgebungen, crlcheck.exe

Mit diesem Tool findet man schnell und einfach alle verwendeten CRL eines clients und kann prüfen ob der client diese erreicht.   In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich persönlich miterlebt, wie die Zertifikatssperrung auf Windows-Systemen oft unterschätzt wird, selbst in großen Unternehmen. Dieses Problem beeinträchtigt sowohl Client- als auch Server-Systeme erheblich, wenn es nicht korrekt […]

CRLcheck.exe Certificate Revocation List Check Tool to verify all CRL and OCSP on Windows client

CRLcheck.exe Certificate Revocation List Check Tool to automatic verify CRL and OCSP internet reachability of all your EXE files that your client runs.     Over the past 20 years, I have personally witnessed how Certificate Revocation on Windows systems is often underestimated, even within large enterprises. This issue significantly affects both client and server […]

Install McAfee/Trellix Endpoint Security Platform for Linux and Endpoint Security for Linux Threat Prevention on Centos Stream

  McAfee Endpoint Security Platform for Linux and McAfee Endpoint Security for Linux Threat Prevention Mcafee/Trellix is one of the security vendors which cover every client OS. I personal only work with Linux based on CENTOS Stream private or on the job with security appliances or MDM managment Servers. I love Centos and it has […]

M365, Exchange Online Remote Powershell blocked by T1056 Mitre Trellix

Trellix ENS 10.X, T1056 – Key capture using PowerShell detected, Host intrusion buffer overflow ExP:Illegal API Use Blocked an attempt to exploit C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINDOWSPOWERSHELL\V1.0\POWERSHELL.EXE, which targeted the GetAsyncKeyState API. For efficient M365 and Exchange Online management, there are various methods available. While utilizing the PowerShell button within the Admin Portal is one option, it requires an Azure […]

McAfee ENS WEB CONTROL outlook.exe chart.dll crash

01.09.2020, this is solved in JULY 2020 Release Produktversion (Endpoint Security Platform) JUL 2020 Release Produktversion (Endpoint Security Threat Prevention) JUL 2020 Release Web Control JUL 2020 Release On several W10 machines we have seen Outlook.exe crash with Mcafee ENS Endpoint Security 10.7 Web Control active. This behaviour is seen up […]