Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: TIE/ATD/ATP | Sandbox – Advanced Threat Protection

19.07.2024 BSOD Blue screen Crowdstrike

The falcon has crashed BSOD blue screen of death on clients and server OS Red Teams and Hackers > see where you have brought us? The latest CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor update is causing a widespread issue resulting in a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) boot loop globally. It’s a security professional’s worst nightmare […]

McAfee ATD – Trellix TIS MASU.exe Sandbox Uploader. A freeware tool to submit files to ATD/TIS automatic

M.A.S.U (M)CAFEE (A)TD (S)ANDBOX (U)PLOADER V4.1, Mike Butsch, Senior System Engineer, Remark 2024: Everything will work for TIS / Trellix Intelligent Sandbox we have been using the same tool with every release of TIS. Hopefully there is a ready solution for FireEye without using Python The tool is freeware, feel free to use it. […]

CRLcheck.exe Certificate Revocation List Check Tool to verify all CRL and OCSP on Windows client

CRLcheck.exe Certificate Revocation List Check Tool to automatic verify CRL and OCSP internet reachability of all your EXE files that your client runs.     Over the past 20 years, I have personally witnessed how Certificate Revocation on Windows systems is often underestimated, even within large enterprises. This issue significantly affects both client and server […]

Trellix EPO 5.10 base install or upgrade fail Rollback with SQL 2022 Express

Trellix EPO 5.10 base install or upgrade fail Rollback with SQL 2022 Express Does also happen with: (lATEST DOWNLOAD 01.05.2024) Just had a case where we searched for longer, but it was NOT related to a dual install of WSUS+EPO. Because we sometimes have a dual install of EPO and WSUS roles on the […]

Mcafee/Trellix: ATP/TIE Threat Intelligence Exchange im Einsatz

Ransomware in der Schweiz Lösungsansätze für mehr Cybersicherheit Die Bedrohung durch Ransomware in der Schweiz erfordert intelligente Lösungen. Eine effektive Methode, die sich bewährt hat, ist der Einsatz von “Black/White-Listing” Technologien, wie sie beispielsweise von McAfee TIE bereitgestellt werden. Diese fortschrittliche Technologie, die auf intelligenter Listenführung basiert, stellt derzeit die einzige wirksame Lösung dar, um […]

Browser Isolation V2.0 (Zusammen mit kommerziellen Proxy [MCAFEE | Symantec])

Ich habe einige neuere Präsentation zu neuen Webisolationen Konzepten angesehen. Arbeite selber zu 90% mit Mcafee seit 12 Jahren kenne aber diverse Symantec Enterprise Produkte von früher. Symantec bewirbt derzeit Ihre Web Isolation Loesung. (Fireglass gekauft und integriert in Ihre Serie der Produkte) Der key Punkt ist, dass dies bei Grossfirmen NUR in Verbindung mit […]