Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: SECURITY

Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor, Azure VM Repair paths

The procedures in this article describe methods you can use to attach an encrypted OS disk to a repair VM and then unlock that disk. After the disk is unlocked, you can repair it. As a final step, you can replae the OS disk on the original VM with this newly repaired version. Microsoft has […]

Falcon Sensor, Bluescreen of Death Vmware workaround if you can’t boot into recovery

  Workaround Server / Vmware affected with NO Recovery Option and not encrypted:   There are some server where you can’t boot into recovery or safe boot. If the volume is not encrypted you have one way to delete the faulty crowdstrike def file from the disk. Base article: 19.07.2024 BSOD Blue screen Crowdstrike – […]

19.07.2024 BSOD Blue screen Crowdstrike

The falcon has crashed BSOD blue screen of death on clients and server OS Red Teams and Hackers > see where you have brought us? The latest CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor update is causing a widespread issue resulting in a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) boot loop globally. It’s a security professional’s worst nightmare […]

Proxy settings der Cryptography API bei Zertifikatswiderrufslisten (CRL) von einem CRL-Verteilungspunkt

  Dieser Artikel zielt darauf ab, den Prozess zu erläutern, den die Crypto API durchläuft, um erfolgreich eine HTTP-basierte URL für den CRL-Verteilungspunkt herunterzuladen. Er dient auch der Fehlerbehebung in Situationen, die mit der Netzwerkrückgewinnung von CRLs verbunden sind. Zusätzlich wird unser kostenloses Tool, crlcheck.exe, erwähnt, das dazu beitragen soll, komplexe Probleme effektiver zu lösen. […]

13.06.2024 False-Postive with ENS 10.7, AMCORE 5554 on Windows Defender AM_Delta_Patch Server 2019 German

  Trellix ENS 10.7 deletes Windows Defender Update which come from WSUS-Server on German Server 2019 We just did see a false positive on Windows Defender Updates we provide via WSUS with autoaprove on a Windows Server 2019 German with Trellix ENS 10.7 and AMCORE 5554. The file was deleted from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\ Microsoft affected file: […]

Mcafee/Trellix ENS Gootkit False ENS 10.7 after 15.05.2024, rule SIG 6232 with VBS from TEMP

  Mcafee/Trellix ENS 10.7 Exploit Prevention Content 13401 Update SIG 6232 from 15.05.2024 brought a false with some customers from us. This comes with good (change) or bad (false) timing after we have seen some Gootloader activity happening in EU/CH these days. This happens on ENS 10.7 APRIL 2024 and also on Nov 2023 Version […]

Google chrome 124 and Edge Chromium Probleme Webserver SSL-Brechen [DEU]

  Google Chrome.exe 124 und Edge Chromium könnten Probleme haben, sich mit einem Webserver hinter älteren Firewalls oder Proxys zu verbinden, ODER bestimmte Sicherheitsgeräte filtern HTTPS/TLS-Websites nicht mehr.   Das Problem hat etwa am 22.04.2024 begonnen und nimmt laufend zu. Dies könnte Sie betreffen, wenn: Sie oder jemand anderes einen Webserver oder einen Dienst mit […]

Google chrome.exe 124 and Edge Chromium cannot reach Webserver behind IPS/proxy [cipher X25519Kyber768]

Google Chrome.exe 124 and Edge Chromium may have problems connecting Webserver behind older firewalls or proxy OR certain security device do not filter HTTPS/TLS websites anymore.     The problem has started around 22.04.2024 and is growing. This could effect you if: You run or someone else runs a Webserver or any service with https […]

Certutil.exe –url –urlcache how to use and freeware GUI crl check to automate CRL verify

  How to use Microsoft certutil.exe –url or –urlcache to find CRL and OCSP on Windows manually, or utilize our freeware tool crlcheck.exe, which performs the same function fully automatically for all EXE files on your system. crlcheck.exe   What is a CRL Certificate Revocation List file?   Each certificate authority (CA) periodically issues […]

McAfee ATD – Trellix TIS MASU.exe Sandbox Uploader. A freeware tool to submit files to ATD/TIS automatic

M.A.S.U (M)CAFEE (A)TD (S)ANDBOX (U)PLOADER V4.1, Mike Butsch, Senior System Engineer, Remark 2024: Everything will work for TIS / Trellix Intelligent Sandbox we have been using the same tool with every release of TIS. Hopefully there is a ready solution for FireEye without using Python The tool is freeware, feel free to use it. […]

CRL check, Zertifikatsperrlisten Software, Certificate Revocation List Check Tool zum suchen aller geblockten CRL in Firmenumgebungen, crlcheck.exe

Mit diesem Tool findet man schnell und einfach alle verwendeten CRL eines clients und kann prüfen ob der client diese erreicht.   In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich persönlich miterlebt, wie die Zertifikatssperrung auf Windows-Systemen oft unterschätzt wird, selbst in großen Unternehmen. Dieses Problem beeinträchtigt sowohl Client- als auch Server-Systeme erheblich, wenn es nicht korrekt […]