Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: FW Fortigate

Google chrome 124 and Edge Chromium Probleme Webserver SSL-Brechen [DEU]

  Google Chrome.exe 124 und Edge Chromium könnten Probleme haben, sich mit einem Webserver hinter älteren Firewalls oder Proxys zu verbinden, ODER bestimmte Sicherheitsgeräte filtern HTTPS/TLS-Websites nicht mehr.   Das Problem hat etwa am 22.04.2024 begonnen und nimmt laufend zu. Dies könnte Sie betreffen, wenn: Sie oder jemand anderes einen Webserver oder einen Dienst mit […]

Google chrome.exe 124 and Edge Chromium cannot reach Webserver behind IPS/proxy [cipher X25519Kyber768]

Google Chrome.exe 124 and Edge Chromium may have problems connecting Webserver behind older firewalls or proxy OR certain security device do not filter HTTPS/TLS websites anymore.     The problem has started around 22.04.2024 and is growing. This could effect you if: You run or someone else runs a Webserver or any service with https […]

Certutil.exe –url –urlcache how to use and freeware GUI crl check to automate CRL verify

  How to use Microsoft certutil.exe –url or –urlcache to find CRL and OCSP on Windows manually, or utilize our freeware tool crlcheck.exe, which performs the same function fully automatically for all EXE files on your system. crlcheck.exe   What is a CRL Certificate Revocation List file?   Each certificate authority (CA) periodically issues […]

CRL check, Zertifikatsperrlisten Software, Certificate Revocation List Check Tool zum suchen aller geblockten CRL in Firmenumgebungen, crlcheck.exe

Mit diesem Tool findet man schnell und einfach alle verwendeten CRL eines clients und kann prüfen ob der client diese erreicht.   In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich persönlich miterlebt, wie die Zertifikatssperrung auf Windows-Systemen oft unterschätzt wird, selbst in großen Unternehmen. Dieses Problem beeinträchtigt sowohl Client- als auch Server-Systeme erheblich, wenn es nicht korrekt […]

KEMP service option Detect Malicious Request Intrusion handling blocks Winword Blog posts

  The KEMP option “Detect Malicious Requests” blocks Winword from connecting to WordPress or blog provider configurations, changing or uploading existing blog entries with pictures. We lost quite some time on this one because we were initially searching forever on our firewall and other WAF appliances. Finally, we found out that this is due […]

CRLcheck.exe Certificate Revocation List Check Tool to verify all CRL and OCSP on Windows client

CRLcheck.exe Certificate Revocation List Check Tool to automatic verify CRL and OCSP internet reachability of all your EXE files that your client runs.     Over the past 20 years, I have personally witnessed how Certificate Revocation on Windows systems is often underestimated, even within large enterprises. This issue significantly affects both client and server […]

Mastering Firewalls for Intunes and Autopilot Success, FQDN, IP, CRL to get Intunes running

Mastering Firewalls for Intunes and Autopilot Success In the realm of IT, especially with the advent of cloud-based systems like M365 and Intune, managing firewalls has evolved into a complex challenge. Gone are the days of a handful of external ports; now, it’s like navigating a digital maze of ports and IP ranges. Enter the […]

Missing entry in Fortigate Application Filter ROOT.CERTIFICATE.URL and OCSP source of W10 Setup failing

FortiGate Application Filter Certificate wrong/missing Entry sample for an important laptop driver (W10 Deployment fails because of signed Driver Revocation Lookup) Missing entry in Fortigate Application Filter “ROOT.CERTIFICATE.URL” and “OCSP” source of failing Windows 10 Deployment with commercial Deployment Products (This includes HP client hardware, Microsoft SCCM, Landesk or Ivanti Frontrange). During the Unattend phase […]

Browser TLS 1.3 activated and your Firewall can’t handle it?

TLS 1.3 Some modern Browser switch to TLS 1.3 automatic if the Web server on the other side supports this. Like Version 72 of Chrome.exe or even your OS is like Windows 10 Buildnummer 20170 upwards (That means the OS itself). So it’s all safer and faster? The problem is that some Next […]

Browser Isolation V2.0 (Zusammen mit kommerziellen Proxy [MCAFEE | Symantec])

Ich habe einige neuere Präsentation zu neuen Webisolationen Konzepten angesehen. Arbeite selber zu 90% mit Mcafee seit 12 Jahren kenne aber diverse Symantec Enterprise Produkte von früher. Symantec bewirbt derzeit Ihre Web Isolation Loesung. (Fireglass gekauft und integriert in Ihre Serie der Produkte) Der key Punkt ist, dass dies bei Grossfirmen NUR in Verbindung mit […]

Missing entry in Fortigate Application Filter ROOT.CERTIFICATE.URL and OCSP source of W10 Setup failing

Fortigate Application Filter Certificate wrong/missing Entry sample for an important laptop driver (W10 Deployment fails because of signed Driver Revocation Lookup) OR HOW a missing small ENTRY I a FORTIGATE FIREWALL IPS/APP filter can ruin your Windows 10 OS-Deployment work.   Reason: Missing entry in Fortigate Application Filter “ROOT.CERTIFICATE.URL” and “OCSP” source of failing deployment […]