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Category published:  Hotfixes, Updates WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

2020 WSUS-Server content Drive suddenly no space over 300GB *.ESD Upgrade files

Posted by admin on 03.12.2020

Windows Update Server filling since a few months over the 350GB max. Value you know from WSUS-Server which runs over years

  • You checked the internal WSUS GUI Command to clean (That does not free space often…)
  • You cleaned the WSUS maybe even if free or commercial scripts like Adamj Clean-WSUS
  • Still you don’t get under 350GB for the WSUS content drive
  • You are at a point where the SQL Cleanup stales, Your SQL Management Studio crash
  • You would have to use sqlcmd.exe to clean the WSUS because no space left


The Source is mostly ESD Windows Distribution Files (*.ESD) or updating from Windows 10 to other W10 versions. These exploded that last few months. Maybe you did one update like a 1903 to 1909 and now you have the full range coming in. This is around 120 to 160GB on Data.

This add. to the 350GB you normally have with running a certain range of products from like 2010-2016 office and W7/W10.

Quick and Dirty Workaround:

When you can’t approve new updates and they are urgent and you can’t expand the Disk temporary because it’s a VM or the storage team refuses to do so (Because they like to save money for the customer [Who understands why?])

  1. Make sure nobody in your SBS or Enterprise does need those updates
  2. Just delete them from the \WSUSCONTENT\ drive recursive with del *.esd /s
  3. Find the person who turned the category on without thinking in advance 😉
  4. Cancel the Download in the WSUS-GUI and also DENY them if there still NON APPROVED

Check other WSUS category from us:


Afterwards choose “cancel download” and “DENY” them.




 Category published:  Hotfixes, Updates WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.