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List or change Inboxrules employee have > Automatic E-Mail forwards to private or external E-Mail systems.


In Exchange, users are able to forward E-Mail themself to an external private account. This is a problem because of compliance and if you don’t have a DLP (Data Lost Prevention).

There are ways to prevent this (With a Mail Control Rule > Transport rule) or with a DRAC permission set. However then also some technical accounts which HAVE to mail copy external may get targeted. See below at end for a solution or at least a direction to go.

You do not see those in Exchange 2010/2013/2016 Web console or GUI. However you can see those with PowerShell.

Here is how to find out which users in the Organization have such a forward or Redirect active.

Powershell command:


foreach ($i in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited)) { Get-InboxRule -Mailbox $i.DistinguishedName | where {$_.ForwardTo} | fl MailboxOwnerID,Name,ForwardTo >> d:\edv\exchange_Forward.txt }


foreach ($i in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited)) { Get-InboxRule -Mailbox $i.DistinguishedName | where {$_.ReDirectTo} | fl MailboxOwnerID,Name,RedirectTo >> d:\edv\exchange_Redirect.txt }

Another query which does not catch all

Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Select Name, ForwardingAddress, DeliverToMailboxAndForward

 Prevent with RBAC from (Sike Fogarty – BPOS Support)


  1. New-ManagementRole -Name “Disable-Auto-Forward” -Parent MyBaseOptions
    Set-ManagementRoleEntry “Disable-Auto-ForwardSet-Mailbox” -Parameters DeliverToMailboxAndForward,ForwardingAddress,ForwardingSmtpAddress –RemoveParameter
    Set-ManagementRoleEntry “Disable-Auto-ForwardNew-Inboxrule” -Parameters ForwardAsAttachmentTo,ForwardTo,RedirectTo –RemoveParameter

    Sign into the EAC click on Permissions > User Roles > Click on the Plus sign to add an additional Role Assignment Policy naming it whatever you want and under MyBaseOptions you will see the Disable-Auto-Forward option that you will want to place a check mark in. Save the Role Assignment Policy.

    Assign the Role Assignment Policy to the user(s) desired.

    How to change or remove the INBOX Forwarder user created:

    List the user if you know the name (See above if you don’t)

    Get-InboxRule -Mailbox user-alias |fl Name,Identity,ForwardTo,ForwardAsAttachmentTo


    Get-InboxRule -Mailbox m.butsch |fl Name,Identity,ForwardTo,ForwardAsAttachmentTo

     Remove the Inbox rule you want:

    Remove-InboxRule -Mailbox user-alias -Identity “NAME_YOU_SEE_ABOVE_WITH_OTHER_QUERY”

    Remove-InboxRule -Mailbox m.butsch -Identity “Send to NSA automatic”

 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Exchange 2016 Exchange 2019 M365 - Exchange Online Microsoft Exchange Outlook   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.