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Apple iPHONE Activesync & Exchange, April 2015 Bugs known

Posted by admin on 22.04.2015

For people who are forced to integrate Iphone here a list of actual bugs if you use them on Exchange.

Still we personal believe it’s the nicest device to Sync on Exchange except Windows Mobile itself.

Hopefully this will change with Windows 10 which will wash away the toys and BYOD hype!

After you read this how can you allow it?

1. Automatic meeting processing

Issue 1.12 – Appointment in Outlook or OWA is missing on iOS device

When a user syncs a mailbox by using an iOS device, the calendar on the device may be missing one or more appointments. These appointments are available when you view the calendar from Outlook or OWA. There may also be duplicate instances of the appointment in the calendar if the appointment is accepted from the device.

This issue is described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


 Instance of calendar appointment is missing or duplicated on ActiveSync client

Apply the iOS 8.2 update. Apple has documented the issue in the following article from the Apple Knowledge Base:


Issue 1.11 – Known calendaring issues with iOS 8.x and iOS 7.x devices

Users of iOS 7.0.4, iOS 7.1.2, iOS 8.0.1, iOS 8.0.2, and iOS 8.1 devices (these are known collectively as 7.x and 8.x devices) may experience issues in which calendar items may be converted to plain text, may be truncated, or may generate multiple repair update messages. These issues were diagnosed as requiring changes to the iOS implementation of the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync protocol.

Apple was made aware of this issue, and customers who experience any of the symptoms that are described here should contact Apple for help.

For more information, see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:



Known calendaring issues with iOS 8.x and iOS 7.x devices



Repair update messages received for TimeZoneMatchCheck failures

Issue 1.10 – Meetings that are scheduled for the end of the month do not appear on an iOS device

When a user syncs a mailbox by using an iOS device, and a recurring meeting is scheduled to occur on the 31st of every month, the meeting does not appear on the device for those months that do not have 31 days.


iOS does not honor the 31st-day recurrence pattern in the way that Outlook does. When a month does not have 31 days, Outlook displays the recurring meeting in the calendar on the last day of the month. However, iOS displays only those occurrences that land exactly on the 31st. This behavior also occurs with recurring meetings for the 29th-day and 30th-day recurrence patterns.

Issue 1.9 – An appointment does not update when you use Outlook in cached mode and room mailbox is an attendee

The following conditions cause an appointment not to update on an iOS device:

  • The organizer is using Outlook in cached mode.
  • A room mailbox is listed as an attendee.
  • Calendar processing for the room mailbox is set to AutoAccept.
  • The organizer makes a change to an instance of a recurring meeting.


The client receives multiple responses for this appointment from Exchange. The first response has a later-modified time stamp than the second response that contains the new time for the meeting. The client should always apply the changes from the latest Sync response for an item. The modified time stamp is an optional element and should not be considered authoritative.

The following are examples from the ActiveSync mailbox log for a device:

First log entry

<Exceptions xmlns=”Calendar:”>









Second log entry

<Exceptions xmlns=”Calendar:”>








<Email bytes=”30″/>

<Name bytes=”12″/>





<Email bytes=”30″/>

<Name bytes=”21″/>









Apply the iOS 8.2 update. Apple has documented this issue in the following article from the Apple Knowledge Base:


If this issue is not resolved by applying the iOS update, customers should remove the calendar from the list of folders to synchronize, wait several minutes, and then add the calendar back to the list of folders to synchronize.

All bugs with older IOS:

 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Intunes M365 - Exchange Online Microsoft Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.