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Category published:  APPV/MSIX Deployment   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

APPV 4.6 client Event 3144 and no Reporting

Posted by admin on 24.09.2014

Error:     Event 3144 on APP-V (APPV) client machine

Client:     Microsoft APPV client 4.6 SP1 with up to Hotfix6

The APPV client does not update usage data so you are unable to see which APPV apps are used also in terms of licenses.

Der Berichtsdatencache von Application Virtualization Client konnte nicht an die Veröffentlichungsserver-URL ‘rtsp://customerapv01:554/’ gesendet

werden (Rückgabecode = 1690640A-200001F4).

The App-V Client does not upload reporting data, resulting with Event 3144 and error code 0A-200001F4

The Windows 7 client Shows:

Here is how to solve the Microsoft Bug.

  1. Logon to SQL Management Studio and select the APPVIRT table:
  2. New SQL Query


column package_name nvarchar(256)

Press Execute Button

Or change this manual by hand:


There is also a Stored Procedure mentioned which will allow you to IMPORT the existing PAST History from clients which you may not need and is rather complex because you will have to collect the XML Files from the clients by hand.

 Category published:  APPV/MSIX Deployment   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.