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Category published:  Deployment VMWare W10   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Cannot Upgrade VMware View Client 5.X / Windows Installer Error

Posted by admin on 27.09.2015

Cannot Upgrade VMware View Client 5.X / Windows Installer Error.

You try to install View Agent 5.X on Windows 6 64BIT.

Error: Event 1013, Msinstaller “Product View Agent — The System must be rebooted before installation can continue.

Existing Versions

Every time you install it should reboot

  • Option /c to clean does not do something
  • You did remove VMware Tools
  • You did uninstall old Version of View
  • The account has enough permission and is Local Admin
MSI Windows Installer Logfile you get with:

VMware-viewagent-x86_64-5.3.5-3038335.exe /V”/l c:\drivers\viewlog.txt REBOOT=Reallysuppress”

MSI (c) (EC:E4) [13:12:26:910]: Doing action: VM_MustReboot

Aktion 13:12:26: VM_MustReboot.

Aktion gestartet um 13:12:26: VM_MustReboot.

Das System muss neu gestartet werden, bevor die Installation fortgesetzt werden kann.

MSI (c) (EC:E4) [13:12:29:317]: Transforming table Error.

Check if there are pending reboots, ore name of files:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired

Normally there is something wrong in the Windows Installer Database then or the Installer is missing some MSP/MSI Source Files or Transforms.

Here is how to fix the German client, Do the Reboots as it wants it
:: VMWARE Repair VIEW Client

:: V1.0, 24.09.2015, M. Butsch


@echo off

:: Vmware tools remove

MsiExec.exe /X{0240CD90-92F5-46EA-AF6D-E9E4092FDCE9} /quiet

MsiExec.exe /X{057921DD-9895-48EE-8094-8274956086B1} /quiet

:: Uninstall View Agent

MsiExec.exe /X{C9E58A5B-0C62-42D3-9303-2131F66C1BD3} /quiet

MsiExec.exe /X{E1BF8D0F-3C8E-43F8-93E7-9E779B2F25AB} /quiet

MsiExec.exe /X{FE2F6A2C-196E-4210-9C04-2B1BC21F07EF} /quiet

reg delete “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress” /f

reg delete “HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\Control\Session Manager” /v PendingFileRenameOperations /f


Reboot the client 1) Install VMWARE Tools from Vcenter Command REFRESH > Reboot > Then RUN the command
:: —————————————————————————-

:: Installieren aktuelle Version

\\server\sw$\vmware\view_agent_5.3.5\VMware-viewagent-x86_64-5.3.5-3038335.exe /s/v/qb+ DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=0 VDM_SERVER=gzfvdm2 REBOOT=Reallysupress

 Category published:  Deployment VMWare W10   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.