Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.
Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server 2012 R2   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Exchange 2007/2010/2013 with SPLIT DNS and ONE single Certificate

Posted by admin on 04.03.2015


You have to renew an Exchanger SAN/UC-Certificate and you can’t do this anymore after 2015 because it contains a NON EXTERNAL First Level Extension like “.LOCAL”.

  1. Rename the Full Windows Domain in a 1 year project and have fun
  2. Integrate a SPLIT DNS as below, Bend all Exchange URL to the same FQDN

Main Technet Link:


I personally don’t like this solution since you may in most complex case end up in trouble with some special cases like “RPC-over-HTTP” (Outlook anywhere) and some Autodiscover functions.

On the other side don’t like Wildcard Certs for this because if you have that the other departments want to use the same Certificate and at the end everyone uses it. Worst it lays around on laptops and Servers then if you don’t Controll it strict.

Currently still March 2015 this is the only solution quick and fast if you customer has a First Level Windows Domain with .LOCAL. Most it’s urgent because Cert has expired.


Just to mention that there is another way but this needs planning and time

Enterprise way:

Internal Domain: Cover these with your own internal Certificate Authority (Ask if you have one, make a project separate for that because it’s sensitive and complex) .

External Domain: Use a Cert Provider SAN/UC-Certificate as we had before for all external FQDN

This enterprise mix however leads us to splitting the CAS/OWA Directories on separates SITES within the IIS (Because of only 1 Cert per IIS-Site) or we make single separate CAS Server for internal and external (Which Microsoft does not want us).

On the other side if we have Load Balancers for the CAS mostly those separate CAS are not in the Load Balancer HA team.



Timeline for SAN/UC Certs with Local ending or non-external First level (www.technet.local)

Such a SAN Certificate which includes LOCAL is not valid anymore after some date. And you can’t reorder it. (Screenshot)

Powershell: Get-exchangecertificate | fl

In Green BOX there are the First Level Domains .LOCAL Domains that you can’t COVERY anymore in ONE Cert in 2015.

INTERNAL DNS NAME:    customer.local (The Active Directory Domain)

EXTERNAL DNS NAME: (Your Webserver, FTP, MX-E-Mail Domain from external)

Third level DOMAIN:

Why can’t I renew?


Because we can’t make a UC/SAN-certificate after November 2015 anymore we have to convert the DNS into SPLIT DNS setup. That means we copy the Extern DNS into Internal DNS. Even if you CAN renew it WILL only run until November 2015 with some Cert Issuer.

Make the SPLIT DNS


See links at end for more help on the SPLIT DNS.

SPLIT DNS Copy External ZONE File to internal Active Directory DNS

  1. Get the info from External ZONE file from the Provider ISP like Ask them you need an extract (copy) of the ZONE file for your external Domain.
  2. Do a new Active Directory integrated Forward ZONE File with same name “” internal
  3. Make the A-Records internal so INTERNAL users can reach www and ftp also from internal (These are shown on the right side). Make “FTP”, “WWW” point to same IP as the external. (If you don’t do that your INTERNAL users will not be able to reach the External Website or Cloud Service you use with your ISP)
  4. The ASYNC in OUR sample POINTS to the IP of the Exchange 2010 CAS
  5. On the External DNS the ASYNC points to our Firewall and then to the Exchange 2010 CAS

This is how this may look.

Get the NEW SINGLE FQDN Certificate



We need to change all FQDN that Exchange uses for different Service now to the SAME FQDN the SINGLE Domain Cert runs on.

FQDN Single Domain Certificate was ordered for:

OLD Entry in Exchange somewhere:





Analyze the values you need to change by Powershell





get-ClientAccessServer | fl Identity,AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri


Identity : CAS1

AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri : https://async.customer.local/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml


Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity CAS1 -AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri



get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, InternalUrl , ExternalUrl


InternalUrl : https://cas1.customer.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx

ExternalUrl : https://mobile.customer.local/ews/exchange.asmx


Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity “CAS1\EWS (Default Web Site)” -InternalUrl

Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity “CAS1\EWS (Default Web Site)” -ExternalUrl



get-OABVirtualDirectory | fl Identity, InternalUrl, ExternalUrl


InternalUrl : http://cas1.customer.local/OAB

ExternalUrl : https://mobile.customer.local/OAB


Set-OABVirtualDirectory -Identity “CAS1\OAB (Default Web Site)” -InternalUrl

Set-OABVirtualDirectory -Identity “CAS1\OAB (Default Web Site)” -ExternalUrl


If you don’t have UTM Service (Unified Messaging leave that)

Change Values in Exchange 2010 GUI


Change all other things in Exchange 2010 GUI on the tabs below to corresponding values.

Some you may have changed above already. Check them twice.




  • Do this for all possible location Web app/Activesync/Offline etc.
  • DO this for INTERNAL and EXTERNAL (Set the SAME value)
  • Do not change AYNTHING behind the FQDN name as example
  • AT the end Restart Exchange or do a CMD.exe then IISRESET






Activate the Certificate in Exchange 2010 GUI or Powershell and RESET IIS


Activate the new SINGLE Certificate in Exchange for IIS.


Get-exchangecertificate | fl

Get the GUID sample: 020564B683E9D540DA0DF20A

enable-exchangecertificate -identity 020562B683E5D540DA0DF20A -Services “IIS”


AT the end Restart Exchange:





SPLIT DNS, Windows Server 2008: The Definitive Guide


Exchange PRO

Main Technet Link


 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server 2012 R2   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.