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Category published:  Exchange 2013 Microsoft Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Exchange 2007 > 2013 Transition/Migration, POPUP on Outlook 2010 or Public Folder can’t be open from 2007

Posted by admin on 16.10.2017

Exchange 2007 > 2013 Transition/Migration, POPUP on Outlook 2010 or Public Folder can’t be open from 2007


Error1: When you click a Public Folder, which lies on 2007 in Outlook.exe

“Cannot expand the folder. Microsoft Exchange is not available. Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance.”

Event 401 is logged in IIS log file on 2007 side

Error2: Even if you have selected the option not to DOWNLOAD and other resources or public folder you Recieve constant authentication POPUPS “Windows Security” with username password. Outlook.exe shows password need at some point. Even if you chose remember my Credentials.

Quick Reason:

You have to change the Authentication for “Outlook Anywhere” on old 2007 side to NTLM.

A general reason is that Exchange 2013 works OVER “Outlook Anywhere” all the time. To make it correct you could enable “Outlook anywhere” backwards/afterwards on the old Exchange 2007. Warning: However this function will run from 10-60 Minutes depending on your Exchange 2007. Read and search more if it not enabled on the old Exchange 2007 and you want to do that while the old 2007 is productive. Most blogs don’t mention that and most of them do 2007>2010>2013 and some 2007>2013 direct. However they assume you have “Outlook anywhere” on 2007 already on before you begin the swing Transition (Migration).


Exchange 2007 and 2013 Coexistence:

  • Exchange 2013 runs with Outlook Anywhere
  • If you have Outlook Anywhere on 2007 change the a) Authentication b) Internal and External URL to something else than on the 2013
  • Both Authentication settings for the “Outlook Anywhere” Option have to be the same. As example “NTLM” only.


  • You have an Exchange 2007 existing running and a fresh 2013 setup
  • Exchange 2013 is ready and ALL Virtual directories are changed in Powershell
  • The SAN/UC Certificate with a) The old exchange name sample, and is ordered imported and activated
  • Just ONE User was moved from 2007 > 2013, rest of them still on 2007 side
  • Autodiscover is setup correct in DNS also the old name (important can be whatever some use the term legacy [It does not have to be!]) and also a new names for the new exchange 2010.



Check Logfiles on Exchange 2007 under:


Search for string “/rpc/rpcproxy.dll”

This is the Health check the Exchange 2013 does:

RPC_IN_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll – 443 – HttpProxy.ClientAccessServer2010Ping 401 2 5 0

Controll the Settings on the Exchange 2007.

get-OutlookAnywhere -Server “servername2007” | fl identity, IISAuthenticationMethods

Set-OutlookAnywhere -Identity ” servername2007\Rpc (Default Web Site)” –IISAuthenticationMethods Ntlm

Or in GUI on the Exchange 2007


If that does not work > Also recycle the IIS folders and Reboot the 2007.

Open IIS Konsole

Go to “Application Pools”

  • On right side “Select” Recycle
  • From “Defaultpool” downwards to “MSexchagesyncappool” press Recycle RIGHT side in IIS console



IIS Logfile after the change should be with a 500 value.

2016-04-26 14:20:35 RPC_IN_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll – 443 – HttpProxy.ClientAccessServer2010Ping 500 0 64 45021


Change on client side

IF account still under 2007 and using ONLY Outlook Anywhere you then have to change something in outlook.exe on each client THAT is laptop or workgroup and not domain joined. If Autodiscover and the EXPR-Record are correct this should work by itself.




 Category published:  Exchange 2013 Microsoft Exchange   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.