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Exchange 2007 SP2 Upgrade (2010 Pre Migration) or 2007 Deinstall Error with MSP Rollups

Posted by admin on 05.12.2011

 Exchange 2007 SP2 Upgrade Fehler:

Das Produkt mit dem Code 24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31 kann nicht entfernt werden. Unknown error (0x663). Fehlercode: 1635. Unknown error (0x663)


For the Rollup in generall

* Turn off UAC

* In Internet Explorer Advanced Turn of both Certification revoke Things

* Install the MSP with LOGFILES



Here is how to get more Loginfo

msiexec.exe /update Exchange2010-KB2917508-x64-en.msp /lxv* c:\log.txt



Exchange 2007 SP2 Installation (Case of the missing MSP Patches)

From time to time co-admins try to be nice and save Storage money. Now also since VMWARE and Storage they always think they can dimension c: partitions from servers to small. Well then comes the alert from Nagios, Whatsup Alerting and they move around files instead of resizing the partition.

It just takes a few second to resize? Yes with 2008R2 > And don’t forget the Partition Extend Bug and to use Diskpart for the c: (If you epand the c: in 2008R2 with GUI without the hotfix your render the OS unbootable)

Disaster strikes when people beginn to move .MSI and .MSP Windows Installer Files from Software Deployment or also Microsoft Exchange Installation. In this case someone moves all MSP to another drive. Worst case people just delete the files.

Exchange 2007 SP1 to SP2 upgrade or Last 2007 Deinstall

  • Exchange 2010 Migration you need SP2
  • If your want to deinstall the LAST Exchange 2007 you may have same error.


The SP2 does a full DEINSTALL and then does a RE-INSTALL of the Full Exchange 2007 SP2. It keeps the settings.

1 Install Windows Installer 4.5 and reboot

2 Set the Windows Installer to LOG MAX (


Reg_SZ: Logging
Wert: voicewarmupx

 To find out MORE what Files or Patches are missing you can, after you tried to upgrade with the GUI and setup.exe you can use manual Windows Installer Commands. Don’t worry it will NOT Deinstall if you had the Error Unknown error (0x663). Fehlercode: 1635. Unknown error (0x663) in the GUI. It will just give MORE info in another way and in a good Logfile.

3 Now run this command (As example for the GERMAN 2007 SP1). It will fail because it’s missing Windows Installer source.

MsiExec.exe /X{24B2C164-DE66-44FE-B468-A46D9D5E6B31} /l*v c:\edv\msilogs.txt

Logfile from manual try c:\edv\msilogs.txt

MSI (s) (64:A0) [15:22:48:043]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.
MSI (s) (64:A0) [15:22:48:043]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.
MSI (s) (64:A0) [15:22:48:043]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source C:\edv\Updaterollup 7 für Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1\.
MSI (s) (64:A0) [15:22:48:043]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\edv\Updaterollup 7 für Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1\Exchange2007-KB960384-x64-DE.msp 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (64:A0) [15:22:48:043]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.
MSI (s) (64:A0) [15:22:48:043]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: Exchange2007-KB960384-x64-DE.msp


4 Search the Missing Files / Copy / Download and place in the correct directories.

Here is how to find the MISSING MSI/MSP Patches someone may have deleted. Jsut search foer Exchange 2007-KB in the Registry or check under:


See this was Patch: Exchange2007-KB960384-x64-DE.msp and you cann see FROM where the Exchange Admin did the install. If you have it somewhere else you may alter the path but BEST to reproduce the original file Structure like c:\edv in this case.


Sample Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 1 Patch Info:

ROLLUP1, KB945684




Here is the INFO from where the PATCH was installed. Make sure the FILE is again where it WAS or change the PATH to the location where you have it now. DO this PER ROLLUP 1-9!



5 FIX Service (Disabled to Automatic) from failed seup

During the Exchange SP Installation MS does Disable most of the Service so users don’t connect at that time. If a SP2/SP3 fails and you want to restart the Install you manual have to correct the Services from « Disabled » to « Automatic »

And also the IIS Services :

6 Rerun the GUI Setup (If failed the msiexec) and then once again all over until you have no error and fixed all MSP Files from Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 1 to 9

If you think you HAVE placed ALL MSP in the correct place AND the service reset to Automatic. You can Restart the GUI SP2 Upgrade and see if it goes trough. If not try the MSIEXEC from Step 3 again. Look in the Logfile for another missing ROLLUP .MSP. Just make sure ALL ROLLUP you find in the Regsitry under Patches are in the correct location and folders (Download and recrate file strcuture)

Also make sure the BASE Install to the Exchange 2007 SP1 is correct in the Registry as Source Path. (Exchange Media Setup itself)

Like here from SP2  (Yours would be the SP1)



7 If after that runs not trough fully you may have to:

Also complete at the end another Exchange Service was “Deactivated” from prevois SP2 fails so weh ad to restart. This was not Possible in the GUI (Shows up as maintenance mode) and you have to use CLI. /mode:upgrade

Setup previously failed while performing the action “Install”.
You cannot resume setup by performing the action “BuildToBuildUpgrade”

Please also read this good short white paper from Frank Carius we have included our comments into the PDF. He site can be found at 

Trouble_Shooting_Exchange_2007_2010_ROLLUP_Erros.pdf (377.82 kb)


Reference German Exchange 2007 Standard KEYS and Rollups Infos. You can find the Patch Info under:


ROLLUP 9, KB970162




ROLLUP 8, KB968012




ROLLUP 7, KB960384




ROLLUP 6, KB959241




ROLLUP 5, KB953467




ROLLUP 3, KB949870




ROLLUP1, KB945684




English Versions:


Update Rollup 9 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB970162)




Update Rollup 7 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB960384)




Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB968012)


Here is a Registry key from a SP3 Rollup 6 which was installed from local source c:\edv\

n;1;C:\edv\Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3\

C:\edv\Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3\




Interesting comment from Microsoft:

 However, several of our customers have experienced an issue due to Windows Installer and the way rollups are applied. Essentially the following could happen:

  1. You installed Exchange 2007 SP1 on a machine that does not have Windows Installer 4.5.
  2. You removed the setup media or disconnected the network share.
  3. You then applied SP1 RU4v1.
  4. You then uninstall SP1 RU4v1.
  5. During the uninstall you are now prompted for the source media (Exchange 2007 SP1).

This scenario was a result of a bug in the Installer setup experience, where if we ship a non-versioned file with a companion file in the main product setup MSI file (so in the Exchange 2007 SP1 media) and then and we patch the non-versioned file for the first time (so in the SP1 RU4v1 patch) then the uninstall of the patch prompts for original install media (because MSI has a bug where it does not make a backup of the non-versioned file when installing the patch). An example of a non-versioned file is the logon.aspx file for the forms-based authentication page in Outlook Web Access.





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