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Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Exchange 20XX, Migration of Mailboxes

Posted by admin on 23.06.2014

Exchange 20XX, Migration of Mailboxes

Make sure you have Space and Migrate in groups or only small bulk:

Always Monitor the Transaction Log files space on the Source and Target Disk. You COULD enable/disable “Circular Logging” but maybe in a Migration time you also want to make sure that recovery is possible. Normally you do that for a Small Business Migration where often things are not so well planned and it has to work in the morning. For 500+ Boxes Migration leave it on.

Change these values to speed up the Migration process of Mailboxes:

Change this file on all you CAS Servers:

.\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin\MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config

MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB – 20, 0, 100

MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB – 20, 0, 100

MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer – 50, 0, 1000

MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer – 5, 0, 1000

MaxTotalMovesPerMRS – 250, 0, 1024


Restart this Service on the CAS Server:


How to move all small Mailboxes under 5MB from in one Powershell command.

Old Database:     mb1

New Database: MDB01

Exclude all Boxes which contain:






Get-MailboxDatabase mb1 | get-mailboxstatistics | where {$_.TotalItemSize -lt 5MB -AND ($_.DisplayName -notlike “SystemMailbox*” –AND $_.DisplayName -notlike “*gruppen*” -AND $_.DisplayName -notlike “*NIKE*”)} | get-mailbox | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase MDB01



Remove all MOVE Request:

Get-MailboxImportRequest -Status Completed | Remove-MailboxImportRequest



 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.