Exchange 2007/2010 Meeting Resource Rooms, Booking, Delegate to Assitant
What we want:
Because users can book meeting rooms and sometimes do that wrong IT or assistants want a solution so they can “Approve” each meeting before it gets finally booked.
This is called Resource Delegates in Exchange World 😉 Microsoft has made a great effort to make things complicated so only someone understands this who has written a post-doc report on Groupware.
Here is an example of a room resource “car1” and two people who have to Aprove each meeting BEFORE it finally get fixed.
1) A users books a meeting the right WAY (He invites other people AND additional the ROOM itself to the meeting) (Do not use Direct booking > Right click!)
2) The meeting temporary get’s booked BUT the two Delegates will get an E-Mail and they have to approve the meeting before it gets booked finally.
Here is our sample Room Resource / Raum Postfach
Room Resource: car1
Deleagte 1 we want user: assitant
Delagte 2 we want user: m.butsch
Exchange Administrator account: yourexchangeadminaccount (This may be a account your work with and has temporary permission on most room resources)
a) In Exchange 2007 GUI > New Mailbox > Room Resource > New User (This will generate a pseudo user for the room resource)
b) Use following Powershell command to set everything you can do in Exchange Powershell
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -AutomateProcessing Autoaccept
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -MaximumDurationInMinutes 10080
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -BookingWindowInDays 730
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -DeleteSubject $False
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -DeleteComments $False
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -DeleteAttachments $False
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -AllRequestOutOfPolicy $False
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -AllBookinpolicy $False
set-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” -AllRequestinPolicy $True
Also add oin Exchange2010:
Add-MailboxPermission “car1”-AccessRights:fullaccess -User ( ‘assistant’,’m.butsch’,’yourexchangeadminaccount’)
Also add on Exchange 2007:
$raumname =”car1″
Add-MailboxPermission $raumname -User “assistant” -AccessRights FullAccess
Add-MailboxPermission $raumname -User “m.butsch” -AccessRights FullAccess
Add-MailboxPermission $raumname -User “yourexchangeadminaccount” -AccessRights FullAccess
c) LOGON to OWA https://exchangeserver/owa with your yourexchangeadminaccount and open the Resource Mailbox (Right upper corner) and check OPTIONS.
Add the ALIAS/LOGONNAMES of the two Deleagates ; (Semilkon) seperated to the shown fields.
> the tricky part > These settings sometimes FAIL to SAVE or IF you and then re-OPEN they change. At the End, you best control everything in Powershell with command:
get-MailboxCalendarSettings “car1” | fl
Some settings explained:
MaximumDurationInMinutes=10080 (Default 1440 and set the maximum a meeting can run = new 1 week)
BookingWindowInDays=730 (Default 180 and sets the time in advance [In the future] you can schedule a meeting
DeleteSubject=False (Per default any attachment or subject a person adds is removed. This is a privacy options. As example HR books a meeting called replacement wotrkforce Switzerland and other people should not know about it.
DeleteComments=False (Privacy same as above)
DeleteAttachments=False (Privacy same as above)
More settings explained:
Send all request FIRST to the listed delegates:
ForwardRequestsToDelegates : True
Accept the meeting first temporary UNTIL one of the delegates DOES accept it:
TentativePendingApproval : True
These people have to aprobe (One of them):
ResourceDelegates : {m.butsch, assistant}
These people can book the meeting room as admin and need no aproval:
RequestOutOfPolicy : {m.butsch, assistant}
AllRequestOutOfPolicy : False
These people can book the meeting room as admin and need no aproval:
BookInPolicy : {m.butsch, assistant}
AllBookInPolicy : False
RequestInPolicy : {m.butsch, assistant}
AllRequestInPolicy : True
AddAdditionalResponse : True
Here is how to get a list of all rooms or mailboxes wich are called “RAUM******”:
get-Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.Name -like ‘raum*’ }
get-Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.Name -like ‘raum*’ } | select name,Alias | Format-Table -AutoSize | out-File (‘c:\edv\alle_raueme.txt’)
Some nice Links:
Managing Resource Mailbox Calendars
Resource scheduling in Exchange Server 2007
Exchange 2010 change certain values:
get-CalendarProcessing -identity “Sitzungszimmer_1_OG” | fl
[PS] C:\>set-CalendarProcessing -identity “Sitzungszimmer_1_OG” -DeleteSubject $false
[PS] C:\>set-CalendarProcessing -identity “Sitzungszimmer_2_OG” -DeleteSubject $false
[PS] C:\>get-CalendarProcessing -identity “Sitzungszimmer_1_OG” | fl
RunspaceId : 6b6a4e3f-72b7-4000-ab30-87a93f3e
AutomateProcessing : AutoAccept
AllowConflicts : True
BookingWindowInDays : 720
MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440
AllowRecurringMeetings : True
EnforceSchedulingHorizon : True
ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : False
ConflictPercentageAllowed : 2
MaximumConflictInstances : 2
ForwardRequestsToDelegates : True
DeleteAttachments : True
DeleteComments : True
RemovePrivateProperty : True
DeleteSubject : True
AddOrganizerToSubject : True
DeleteNonCalendarItems : True
TentativePendingApproval : True
EnableResponseDetails : True
OrganizerInfo : True
ResourceDelegates : {}
RequestOutOfPolicy : {}
AllRequestOutOfPolicy : False
BookInPolicy : {}
AllBookInPolicy : True