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HP W10 Phonewise Install Bluetooth error

Posted by admin on 04.02.2020

ERROR: Install a driver failed because Bluetooth is off or unavailable.

Product: HP Phonewise Driver Install Error

Finally found a solution to a HP W10 Setup brand Problem. Had that under 1803/1809/1903. We are unsure If this was related to a CLEANUP tool we use to remove/Uninstall certain

HP bloat ware from Github. Install a driver failed because Bluetooth is off or unavailable.

This seems a rather complex installation because HP has to make sure that the BLUETOOTH drive is ON in BIOS, is active in W10 itself

And only then can install or uninstall the driver. If you look at the twi batch they are rather complex and handle reboot persistence etc.

We finally found a way to get rid of the error. There is a schedule Task running which handles the reboot persistence.

Remove that entry and you get of the warning. The RED Error we could not explain since the correct file was there AND the used

Mcafee ENS 10.7 virus protection DID not block the file.

HP PhoneWise Device Maintenance



 Category published:  W10   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.