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Installshield V6.X, Microsoft APP-V 4.6.x Sequence error

Posted by admin on 19.10.2017


ERROR: The Installshield engine (ikernel exe) could not be launched interface not registered

FEHLER: Schnittstelle nicht unterstützt

Problem: You are unable to sequence a software setup, which comes with Installshield/Flex Version 6 under WIN 7 with APPV 4.6.X sequencer.


We just had a case where a producer of a German software still uses Installshield 6 (From 2000 17 years old) to push EVEN

Recent client version of their software to customers. The application did work in any older version under APPV. If they would have re-written their codeand use Installshield/Flex products from version 10/11 they could even SUPPLY a APP-V package do their customers. But the full version edition of that suite is around USD 5’000.- so they tend to skip updates 😉


Error we had while trying to Sequence Allegion Interflex Client 1.83 which comes with Installshield 6.


You tried all:

  • All TEMP Folder at any location %temp% and c:\windows\temp where deleted
  • No running Installshield leftover anywhere
  • Every Installation of any other or older version of Installshield components where removed
  • DCOM Permission for SYSTEM user Set or reverted
  • Windows Installer AUTO / MANUAL State (During or before sequence state changed and reverted)
  • Tried to silent install the Installshield IN the sequencer with .INI Files etc.


We stripped down the problem to Installshield 6 setup itself: “IkernelUpdate.exe”

Just the Runtime Part of Installshield which is contained in as sample a setup.exe solution software developers ship their software made with Installshield.

On a complete other second sequencer machine we had the same error on German Windows 7 64BIT SP1 Enterprise.


We shortly did investigate in the “LEGO ISLAND 2.ico” and the “T-online\setup.exe” BUT that was contained in every Installshield 6.X Release from all sources. May be some education or test keys. Maybe leftovers?

In days of Ransomware you have to be sure what developer’s ship into your box and if they are aware of such things. So we did a procmon and Sandbox analyze of all the files.

However ORIGINAL sample from Installshield/FLEX net from year 2000 had those things too so all fine we guess.




We did not found any other suspicious information in the setup.exe from the supplier or the IkernelUpdate.exe binary.


Solution workaround:

To SEQUENCE an Installshield 6.X supply on APPV 4.6 under Windows 7 64BIT.

  1. Download the Installshield 6 runtime from Flex:

  1. Pre Install the IkernelUpdate.exe on your sequencer machine before you sequence!
  2. From that point open the Sequencer and Install the Software which comes with Installshield 6. It will see that the correct version is already installed and skip the check.

 Category published:  APPV/MSIX Deployment Microsoft SCCM,MEM,MDT W10   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.