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Category published:  ENS | Endpoint Security EPO | ePolicy Orchestrator Mcafee/Trellix Scripting Uncategorized   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

Mcafee EPO prevent exe RUNNING FROM %appdata%

Posted by admin on 14.07.2015

Mcafee EPO prevent exe RUNNING FROM %appdata% folders with an Access protection Policy

How to protect from most 0day Flash Exploits and malware like Ransom Cryptowall in summer 2015. You simply can’t keep up with patching even with deployment or

Management solutions in place. Now you should have an IPS Filter like Fortigate with Fortiguard. Fortigate is most of the times involved in detection of Flash Exploits so a good choice in that direction.

But the problems are SSL/HTTPS Virus of you can’t break the stream because of legal concerns.

Here is a solution to strip it down by Mcafee but as always not clear in their documentation.

Sure this covers 80% but it will take out some heat. Another tip would be to use Microsoft EMET from ou side. There is also a GPO to prevent such things but this will take more time to setup.


Mcafee EPO Server Logon

Go to Clients

Assigned Policy

Access Protection Policy

Choose your “Policy” > “My Default”

Now the trick was the PATH. I am not sure but ONE Mcafee KB was wrong or not sol effective here.

We are still unsure if it has to be \ or / if you read their docu.

Well here is how it worked for us. We don’t want to catch %appdata%\temp because there is already an

Options in mcafee itself for that and it was not a good idea with some customers and special apps.

avtask.exe, cfgwiz.exe, csscan.exe, dainstall.exe, EngineServer.exe, fssm32.exe, giantantispywa*, ienrcore.exe, kavsvc.exe, KillWia64.exe, mcdatrep.exe, mcscript*, mcshield.exe, mcupdate.exe, mfeann.exe, mfehidin.exe, msi*.tmp, msiexec.exe, mue_inuse.exe, navw32.exe, ncdaemon.exe, nmain.exe, Patch.log, regsvc.exe, rtvscan.exe, sdat*.exe, svchost.exe, TrolleyExpress.exe, VirusScanAdvancedServer.exe, vmscan.exe, VSE88HF793781.exe, \:::mcadmin.exe, \:::mcconsol.exe, \:::mcupdate.exe, \:::restartVSE.exe, \:::scan32.exe, \:::scncfg32.exe, \:::shcfg32.exe, \:::shstat.exe, \:::VSCore\dainstall.exe, \:::VSCore\x64\dainstall.exe, \:::vstskmgr.exe, \:::x64\scan64.exe


avtask.exe, cfgwiz.exe, csscan.exe, dainstall.exe, EngineServer.exe, fssm32.exe, giantantispywa*, ienrcore.exe, kavsvc.exe, KillWia64.exe, mcdatrep.exe, mcscript*, mcshield.exe, mcupdate.exe, mfeann.exe, mfehidin.exe, msi*.tmp, msiexec.exe, mue_inuse.exe, navw32.exe, ncdaemon.exe, nmain.exe, Patch.log, regsvc.exe, rtvscan.exe, sdat*.exe, svchost.exe, TrolleyExpress.exe, VirusScanAdvancedServer.exe, vmscan.exe, VSE88HF793781.exe, \:::mcadmin.exe, \:::mcconsol.exe, \:::mcupdate.exe, \:::restartVSE.exe, \:::scan32.exe, \:::scncfg32.exe, \:::shcfg32.exe, \:::shstat.exe, \:::VSCore\dainstall.exe, \:::VSCore\x64\dainstall.exe, \:::vstskmgr.exe, \:::x64\scan64.exe


Some sample search patterns:

Find unwanted Google chrome.exe under %appdata%\local everwyhere





Check left corner FOR “Workstation” and for “Server”

Client side TEST

EPO side view


Original Link from Mcafee:

Wildcard patterns mcafee:





 Category published:  ENS | Endpoint Security EPO | ePolicy Orchestrator Mcafee/Trellix Scripting Uncategorized   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.