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Vorabklärung Exchange Migration white spaces in Alias

Posted by admin on 26.10.2014

Vorabklärung Exchange Migration white spaces in Alias

Bei einer Exchange Migration muss das tool LDIFDE verwendet werden um Konten zu finden, welche Whitespace/Leerzeichen im Alias haben. Diese können sonst nicht migriert werden.

Check mit Tool auf Exchange Server oder DC (mailNickname = Alias)


ldifde –f smtplist.txt –d ” ou=GSC_New_Structure,dc=meinedomain,dc=ch” -l displayname,mailNickname

Bei einer Exchange 2007 > 2010 geht dies nun bequem und grosse Mühe direkt mit der Powershell

Run the following commands to remove the spaces from the aliases of your mailboxes. The first command locates all the mailboxes in your organization that have spaces in their aliases and stores them in the temporary variable $Mailboxes. The second command removes the spaces from the aliases of all the mailboxes stored in the temporary variable $Mailboxes.

Copy Code

$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.Alias -like “* *”}

ForEach($Mailbox in $Mailboxes) {Set-Mailbox $Mailbox.Name -Alias:($Mailbox.Alias -Replace ” “,””)}

 As an alternative, you can combine the two preceding commands into a single Exchange Management Shell command.

Copy Code

Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.Alias -like “* *”} | ForEach-Object {Set-Mailbox $_.Name -Alias:($_.Alias -Replace ” “,””)}E

Es gibt auch eine Powershell Script, welche User/Mailboxen/verteiler auf Whitepsaces prüft und frägt.


Diese braucht jedoch das get-mailbox command und somite wieder min. Exchange 2007 oder die Konsole des Exchange 2007.

Here once again how to check all important for Whitespaces with the console:

get-distributiongroup | Where {$_.Alias -like “* *”}
get-mailbox | Where {$_.Alias -like “* *”}
get-mailcontact | Where {$_.Alias -like “* *”}

WARNING: Property expression “Michael Butsch” isn’t valid. Valid values are: Strings formed with characters from A to Z
(uppercase or lowercase), digits from 0 to 9, !, #, $, %, &, ‘, *, +, -, /, =, ?, ^, _, `, {, |, } or ~. One or more
periods may be embedded in an alias, but each period should be preceded and followed by at least one of the other

characters. Unicode characters from U+00A1 to U+00FF are also valid in an alias, but they will be mapped to a best-fit
US-ASCII string in the e-mail address, which is generated from such an alias.

 Category published:  Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Microsoft Exchange Uncategorized   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.