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Why Symantec losses all their long term BEXEC customer to Veeam and others

Posted by admin on 09.07.2014

Today, let’s delve into the intricacies of the Bexec 2014 news that reverberated across the IT domain on September 7, 2014. The communication, shared directly with customers, shed light on critical insights regarding the trajectory of BEXEC 2012 XX and the compelling migration towards Veeam.

For an in-depth understanding of the rationale behind this transition, a comprehensive explanation awaits at the following link: [Symantec-Corporation – BEXEC 2012 XX to VEEAM Migration]( The content not only elucidates the migration process but also articulates the reasons motivating customers to make this pivotal shift.

To further enrich our understanding, a comparative analysis between Symantec Backup Exec and Veeam is presented in an illuminating article: [Symantec Backup Exec vs. Veeam – Decoding the Choice]( This resource, dated June 15, 2014, provides a meticulous breakdown of why Veeam emerges as a preferred choice over its counterpart.

In the wake of Symantec’s acknowledgment that the Backup API 5.1 of VMware is not up to par, Veeam responds assertively. Gain insights into this exchange by exploring Veeam’s perspective at [Symantec Admits Vulnerabilities in VMware Backup – Veeam’s Response]( This discourse unveils the intricacies of the debate surrounding the efficacy of VMware’s Backup API 5.1 and its implications.

To round off our exploration, a noteworthy review of VM Backup Solutions in 2014 is presented. The accolades bestowed upon Veeam Backup & Replication in the VirtualizationAdmin Readers’ Choice Award for Backup and Recovery in March 2014 can be explored at [VirtualizationAdmin Readers’ Choice Award – Veeam Takes the Lead](

In essence, these resources collectively offer a panoramic view of the evolving IT landscape, shedding light on the strategic decisions made by businesses and the pivotal role played by Veeam in the realm of VM backup solutions. Happy reading!


 Category published:  Microsoft Server OS Server 2008 R2 Server 2012 R2 Server 2016   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.