Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Deployment Links most used

Deployment Adobe Reader Products: Update, patch | Acrobat, Reader | Windows, Incremental, Full quartlery? All explained (Understand why to Patch 9.4.2 First after 9.4 and then INC 9.4.3 and 9.4.4.) Adobe, WPKG Deployment information for Reader and Flash, good samples and direct links to binaries Java Runtime  Flash 10.3 and the Control […]

Exchange 2010 generate SSL-certficate request

1 Generate the Request in Powershell (Two Lines of code, -path does not work like we used in Exchange 2007) $data = New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -SubjectName “c=CH, S=BL, L=Aesch, o=Butsch Informatik,” -DomainName -PrivateKeyExportable:$True set-content -Path c:\edv\ -value $data 2 Send your ISP  the File (textfile). ISP or Comodo, Verisign, Thawtee and order the IIS7, 1024BIT, […]

Exchange 2007 Restrict ActiveSync for only certain modell of phones

Starting with Exchange 2007 SPX you can use the Set-CASMailbox with the ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs parameter to lock down a certiain user to a specific device ID. Not that it helps you immediately, but Exch 2010 has included automatic quarantining/blocking of devices based on Device Model and Type with ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule  set-CASMailbox [-ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ActiveSyncDebugLogging <Nullable>] [-ActiveSyncEnabled <$true […]

Deployment: MS Framework 4.0 Silent Deployment

Aaron Stebler MS BlogSilent install, repair and uninstall command lines for the .NET Framework 4 Appdeploy MS .NET Framework 4.0 Setup MS Silent Setup Framework 4 in Detail (SSCM 2007) Liste aller Framework 4 Hotfixes welche man anfordern muss (Nicht WSUS) Liste aller im Januar 2011 nötigen Updates & Hotfixes fuer .NET Serien (Inkl. silent switches) […]

Exchange 2007/2010 is your Server fast or slow?

  Peformance Exchange 2007/2010 Servers, key values How to tell if an Exchange is slow or fast? TRANSACTION_LOG_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read < 20ms TRANSACTION_LOG_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write < 10ms TEMP_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read < 10ms TEMP_DISK: LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write < 10ms MSExchangeIS\RPC Requests < 70 MSExchangeIS\RPC Averaged Latency < 25 MSExchangeIS\RPC Operations/sec MSExchangeIS\RPC Num. […]

Exchange 2003/2007/2010 Performance Analyse und Auswertung

Butsch Informatik, 2010, Exchange 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 Performance Analyse Häufig kommt die Aussage, dass der Exchange Server zu langsam ist. Hier einige Eckdaten wie man misst ob ein Exchange 2003/2007/2010 schnell oder langsam ist und eventuelle Fehler in der Hardware/Auslegung aufdeckt. Storage/SAN IBM DS 4700 IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) ist ein Wert/Faktor, welcher Auskunft über die […]

Client Managment Security Links Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog, Analyse of actual Malware Suddenly no more info since about 3 months? Security Research & Defense, Microsoft Patch Blog. See what MS writes about their own patches and how ciritical they are and why. SANS Internet Storm Center, Daily Updates Secunia, Latest Security Postings […]

Exchange Public Folder Permissions via Powershell

Hinzufügen von Zugriffsberechtigungen auf Öffentliche Ordner-Inhalte für Clientbenutzer Hilfe zu Exchange 2010 Get-PublicFolder Exchange 2007-Hilfe Some samples for German Exchange 2007: Zeigt alle Public Folder an: Get-PublicFolder -recurseZeigt alle Public Folder mit viel Infos an:Get-PublicFolder -recurse | FlGibt dem User m.butsch Vollen Zugriff auf den PF: Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity “\Adressen” -AccessRights PublishingEditor -User m.butsch Remove-PublicFolderClientPermission […]

Good Exchange Links for 2007 / 2010

Can I really use JBOD storage with Exchange 2010?   What is new with Exchange 2010 storage?   Setting Message Size Limits in Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007       Exchange 2010 Request Hotfixes to install “before” SP1   Exchange 2010 SP1 FAQ and Known Issues, […]

Hotfix Updates how to find what you need

I have been involved in several projects where people searched for days and it could have been fixed by just a stupid hotfix. This could have been skipped by weekly reading Microsoft Knowledgebase which takes 4 hours per day or use a KB scanner like There are rumours that large key customers get those […]