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Category published:  EPO | ePolicy Orchestrator FW Fortigate FW Sophos Mcafee/Trellix SECURITY   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

2018 McAfee Agent, Framework, EPO Firewall Ports

Posted by admin on 03.07.2017

It’s improtant to understand that the McAfee Agent itself DOES OPEN all needed OS Windows Firewall Ports for you automatic. You can see those under “macmnsvc”.

But it’s Important to keep track of physical Firewall Ports and if you separate Clients or Server from the EPO with a Perimeter Firewall or VLAN-Firewall.

McAfee Agent:

This is the Software which does manage all McAfee Products on a Client (Just some Deployment and manage Service called McAfee Agent Framework)

Mcafee EPO-Server:

Assuming you have a local McAfee EPO Server 5.X with a local SQL Express or Full Version on the EPO itself.

Why local?

Because in an outbreak scenario the network may get flooded with packets it’s recommanded you

keep the DB local where the EPO Server runs. If Malware attacks your SQL DB Servers and the McAfee

Should protect it this is an “Chicken-egg-story”. By the way McAfee has special DB protection

Software for DB Servers you can’t patch.

 Category published:  EPO | ePolicy Orchestrator FW Fortigate FW Sophos Mcafee/Trellix SECURITY   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.