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Category published:  WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.

WSUS: MS14-028, Patchday 13.05.2014, iSCSI patch Uninstall Risk / problem

Posted by admin on 14.05.2014

Beim durchgehen der Updates vom Mai 2014 Patchday ist mir folgender Patch aufgefallen:

Wenn man den Patch de-installieren “würde” wären die Zuordnungen der Laufwerke verloren.


Note: Uninstallation will remove iSCSI Target from the system, including its configuration settings. For instructions on exporting the iSCSI configuration settings for backup purposes prior to uninstallation, see Migrating Microsoft iSCSI Software Target.



Attacker able to reach iSCSI endpoint can potential cause persistent resource exhaustion denial-of-service attack on Windows host.


 Category published:  WSUS   Click on the Category button to get more articles regarding that product.