Try our new Certificate Revocation List Check Tool
CRLcheck.exe is a tool developed to verify digital signatures of executable files. It collects files from known paths on your client, checks their signature, and checks Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and OCSP download. This helps avoid delays in launching files.

Category: SECURITY


Subject: *URGENT* McAfee SNS ALERT: *UPDATE* Reports of W32/autorun.worm.aaeb-h infections   **Update to original message: Stinger tool now available. See Mitigation section below** McAfee has received multiple reports of customers who are severely affected by variants of W32/autorun.worm.aaeb-h. ImpactW32/Autorun.worm.aaeb-h has the ability to infect removable media devices and mounted network shares. It can also copy itself […]

MCAFEE: Hotfix VSE88HF793640 per EPO verteilen Diese Anleitung beschreibt wie man einen HOTFIX auf einem MCAFEE EPO Server 4.5/4.6 integriert und alle Systeme oder eine bestimmte Gruppe verteilt. Als Beispiel den Patch/Hotfix vom 21.08.2012 für Mcafee VSE 8.8. DAT 6807/6808 Causing Issues with VSE 8.8.x   Inhalt Hotfix Paket einchecken    1 Distribute/Update an alle Endpoints im Netz    2 Distribute/Update PRO Untergruppe […]

Windows XP Sp3, Event 516, mfehdik, SLL-API, memory Leak, crypt32.dll

Windows XP Sp3, Event 516, mfehdik, SLL-API, memory Leak, crypt32.dll Memory leak in MFEVTPS.EXE Recent Microsoft security updates for Windows XP SP3 and Server 2003R2 introduce a memory leak for the VirusScan Enterprise process MFEVTPS.EXE. The leak is actually from a Windows binary, Crypt32.dll, that MFEVTPS.EXE utilizes. A fix for this issue is available from Microsoft. […]

Mcafee Framework 4.6 and EPO Migrarion from SRV 2003R2 to 2008R2

Mcafee Framework 4.6 is out Please check the 4 important Hotfixes which may seem important if you have “MS Malicious Software Removal Tool” installed. 1 Install/deploy Framework 4.62 Install HF660014 3 Install HF660568  Migration from Server 2003R2 32BIt to Windows Server R2008 R2 64bit (Same Server Name a must) Mcafee KB66616 (OS=OS) und KB71078 (OS !=OS). Sollte […]

SAP with Mcafee Alert FALSE/POSITIV KB71739 DAT 6329 Generic.DX!yxk

SAP fun withMcafee Alert FALSE/POSITIV KB71739 DAT 6329 Generic.DX!yxk Ich habe soeben einen SMS Alert von Mcafee bekommen. Mcafee Alert KB71739 DAT 6329 Generic.DX!yxk > In dem Moment war die KB von mcafee Offline. Passender Moment!  Corporate KnowledgeBase False Positive Detection Generic.dx!yxk in DAT 6329 Corporate KnowledgeBase ID:   KB71739 Last Modified:   April […]

Mcafee EPO Server 4.X Database or Space growing EPOevents

Problem: VMWARE Monitoring Events from “Vmware Converter and Tools” fill the EPO Database rapidly (1GB/Hour). delete from EPOEvents where DetectedUTC < ‘YYYY-MM-DD’delete from EPOEvents where DetectedUTC < ‘2011-01-01’ SOLUTION: Run this SQL Script once a week to get rid of the problem This is a batch File which you run from Schedule: osql -S FHSEPO01\EPOSERVER […]

Client Managment Security Links Microsoft Malware Protection Center Blog, Analyse of actual Malware Suddenly no more info since about 3 months? Security Research & Defense, Microsoft Patch Blog. See what MS writes about their own patches and how ciritical they are and why. SANS Internet Storm Center, Daily Updates Secunia, Latest Security Postings […]